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Cars For Sale

Cars For Sale

TABC CLASSIFIEDS - For private party sales only.

This page is dedicated to assisting "like minded" MG enthusiasts in trading vehicles.  For those selling, FTFU's goal is to assist you with finding a new home for your cherished little car.  For those buying, you should feel confident in knowing there are parts and most importantly the technical support and services available to help you keep your car on the road.

Sellers:  Listing cost is $100, one-time fee per car and limited to MG's 1936 - 1949.

If you would like to list your car, click here.

Note:  The car listings offered below, represent information provided solely by the individual owners.  FTFU has no vested interest in the sale of these cars, nor does it warranty the car or the accuracy of the information presented.

Click on title below for more information on the MG car for sale.